For women!

For women!
There is this common language of art and craft. We use it to laugh, learn and change communities for the future!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Benefit Extraviganza

Where to start?
How to express it...?
I don't know where I'll ever find so much selfLESS, committed love.

But what I do know, is that 669 Lygon street- 8th August was a hub of energetic dedication to concept of making someone else' life, one totally unbeknown and unfamiliar to most, a little more comfortable.

From Michael's eternal excitement with this mountain of clothes that he had the opportunity to scavenge through...
With the fear that Claire held over everybody when auctioning off a bowling ball from the top of a stair case...
and the blessing of Brice' Spanish tortia complimented with Sharif's competitive babaganush... only to be overwhelmed by Felipe and his abundance of Hommus made from true organic home produce!
All ... in the humbling presence of these phenomenal musicians;

Pretty Strangers;

Bright Mountains,

Melanie Schultz

Kelly Hosking

Alex Benavides

Nikki Lee Williams

.. There are too many people to Thank. BUt a standing mountain of pure bliss,,, is Laura- who's house, she opened as a venue second to none.
Em- for her organisational skills, ideas, pure enthusiasm and trust in the project.

SO_ How do I feel?? Not that this was about me... but I feared I would show a bit of fear for my anticipated journey. I also thought I may show sadness for leaving this amazing group of people. But I didn't, because I KNOW it will always be there... and I KNOW that with the worlds support- a project like this in Nepal WILL be successful. We just need to keep an open mind, then - anything is possible.

Lets just begin!

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The boys in the Kathmandu "Papa's House" in the time of load shedding... (power cut)

The boys in the Kathmandu "Papa's House" in the time of load shedding... (power cut)

Chapter 2- What matters

Chapter 2- What matters


Here- we have the Tharu culture in Nepal. A beautiful bunch of people who have been hardly done by, particularly in regards to slavery incidents. This doesn't tamper their strong understanding of other people, or the amount of love they're able to give. 

Slavery is being abolished and there is a drastic need for job and independence as these girls move out of the education system. For Freida Mountain, the energy, colour, love and skills were the beginning of what will be a dedication to these people. We now have the opportunity to work in trading to Australia from Nepal. A lot of fair trade research, justification and funding needs to occur, but I look forward to more and more involvement!
This environment acts as a stigma for my next range...