For women!

For women!
There is this common language of art and craft. We use it to laugh, learn and change communities for the future!

Monday, December 21, 2009

The next significant expedition was more than exciting, stimulating and driving for my inner "crafty" self. There are some pretty phenomenal people doing development work that is actually making changes. I met with Chitra, who is a pretty no fuss kind of fellow who gives each ounce of his energy to what's right, and what's going to change. As I found out at a later date he's also dedicating himself to a phenomenal amount of projects. I cannot feel humbled my his time given to me, I am just a needle in the haystack, and it will take me a long time to work out exactly how and what he does! 

The first feat for this lot of research was the "dolphin Inn" located in a town called Beni. Here, we had the pleasure of some brutal wresting at high volume with our dinner that's still poisoning my stomach. We had strange men peeking around the corner, and more dogs taking a liking to our legs. 

The "hill" from Beni was a quick increase to a 1400m elevation! This village is a bundle of energy and devlopment. They have a great internet connection for the school, they are new to the trekking routes, and also have a significant amount of CRAFT going on!!!! PLUS- some climate change monitoring, some of the only in the country. So I feel good to be here. 

The first project is the Hand made paper, which at present, is at at a loss. This project, funds the local school, and is necessary to turn around pretty quickly! It is also a valuable source of employment for the women in the community and is welcomed by the all men and women, as they see the positive repurcussions such.

These are all perfect ingredients for a productive project- so THIS is where I aim to be in a month or two once I source all other materials and tackle my yoga mats.... We have; enthusiasm, a community project to invest in, basic materials, sustainable supplies of loktha and a market! 

In the mean time, while I wait for it to warm up a little, I am heading back to Narti- the beautiful girls I worked with in Jan... At this stage, my research is progressive, but not worthy of ducumentation. I am fortunate though to have stumbled across herbal dye makers, and some other enthusiastic folk... now all I need is to find someone with a gilertene, and be willing to hike a mountain with it!!!! 

With peace and productivity! Here ends almost the end of 2009.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Why do I want to do this? Why do I bother trundling to remote places to be bitten by dogs or overwhelmed by the stench of 25000 slaughtered, rotting animals, for the sake of culture and religion?

(This article will give you a brief outlook on this- a tame edition that is!)

My first major handicraft investigation led me to Janakpur in the South of Nepal. Unfortunately via some pretty horrific festivals..... but my experience in one center know as; "Janakpur Womens Development Center"

in particular was refreshing after the shock of the personal challenges that came with the animal slaughter festival. These women feed off each others dedication and creative energies. They have an immense sense of unity that is so evident in the passion for making such an environment peaceful and easy to be in. Me being an outsider, felt as ease in this place, like our common language was their work, and being female. Which, to be entirely absorbed in, is an incredibly beautiful, warm experience. 

In terms of my involvement here, I would be excited to help them export, but not able to work in this particular area due to some of these personal barriers. 

I find myself so vulnerable to the energies of these crafty places, but then can be in the middle of Kathmandu city, head down, blind to the poverty around me. I guess this shows where I am, or should be placed. I can't do a thing about the Kathmandu streets I guess, so why waste my energy on contaminating my sensors? I can feel peace on having my filters on, as there is a lot of beauty to be seen... you've just got to be strong in being ruthless with what you absorb. 

Friday, November 20, 2009

Take 2

I'm back... finally. I claimed i'd be back here a while ago, but, for the best, was stalled. So now- it's the beginning of a Nepali winter - the clear season.. and thats what I feel - clear that here is where I should be for the next wee while... 

So there is a new take for my direction. The hardest thing, but also the most beneficial for me is to throw everything out the window and start again before I get too bogged down in the one area of people... one area of skill or one area of my own love. I won't neglect these beautiful Tharu people who we fundraised for. And if I can support them, I will, but I also feel that some tardy textiles skills are not what they need. THey need more to start with necessities like food shelter and survival skills. Maybe I was giving myself a rap thinking I could do much.. or maybe not - maybe one day I could provide them with sme creative stimulation, colour and happiness. ... we'll see. 

So- I have some leads.... a nettle product was out in the hills... a flight, day drive and then 3 day trek....... Very cold..... no english whatsoever... So i need- a sleeping bag. translator, and probably some medication for altitude,,,, but that all excites me!!!! 

I feel clear, and I also feel hungry..!!!! 

Sunday, August 9, 2009

POst benefit

Post benefit analysis.

In short -
Total raised $800.65

Spending intentions - At this stage, this money will be put aside, high interest account.

I will be in contact with the orphanage to see how their current living finances are going. If they are sustainable until my arrival, research into the best possible investment will take place.

Ideas / think take which I would love you to add to;
*Materials for craft vocational training.
*Scholarships for a group to participate in micro credit training.
*Rescuing more girls.
*Agricultural supplies to sustain their living environment.
*Employment of Nepali carers in the orphanage so that girls have more time to study, play and relax.

Please trust that this will be updated as soon as appropriate.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Benefit Extraviganza

Where to start?
How to express it...?
I don't know where I'll ever find so much selfLESS, committed love.

But what I do know, is that 669 Lygon street- 8th August was a hub of energetic dedication to concept of making someone else' life, one totally unbeknown and unfamiliar to most, a little more comfortable.

From Michael's eternal excitement with this mountain of clothes that he had the opportunity to scavenge through...
With the fear that Claire held over everybody when auctioning off a bowling ball from the top of a stair case...
and the blessing of Brice' Spanish tortia complimented with Sharif's competitive babaganush... only to be overwhelmed by Felipe and his abundance of Hommus made from true organic home produce!
All ... in the humbling presence of these phenomenal musicians;

Pretty Strangers;

Bright Mountains,

Melanie Schultz

Kelly Hosking

Alex Benavides

Nikki Lee Williams

.. There are too many people to Thank. BUt a standing mountain of pure bliss,,, is Laura- who's house, she opened as a venue second to none.
Em- for her organisational skills, ideas, pure enthusiasm and trust in the project.

SO_ How do I feel?? Not that this was about me... but I feared I would show a bit of fear for my anticipated journey. I also thought I may show sadness for leaving this amazing group of people. But I didn't, because I KNOW it will always be there... and I KNOW that with the worlds support- a project like this in Nepal WILL be successful. We just need to keep an open mind, then - anything is possible.

Lets just begin!

Friday, July 31, 2009


... The Tharu culture have - IN MY MIND, been hardly done by.... A "Kamlari" girl refers to the act of sending daughters away. They're with the hope that their children will be attending school, and will be returning home soon. Rarely, does such pull through.

... The orphanages consist of the basics for human survival... ONLY JUST - and indefinably so. Many kids are going to join the daily meal as, currently, the girls ARE being rescued from their "slavery" position! They now have the opportunity to go into an orphanage in the Narti village or Kathmandu if families are unfound, or families are still unable to support them - most often the case.

The songs these girls sang, brutally reflect the hardships of their past. Experiences that myself, and undoubtably their families, cannot fathom. Experiences that were never part of any parents plan.

But their smiles and companionships reflect the dedication to their future happiness. I am overwhelmed by their love and for the world, and each other! Hardships of the past can be worn like scars across ones face, or moulded to redeem the path to a life 
of euphoria and simply a life of comfort!


A change in attitude,,,

Looking back on this basically untouched blog of mine... I see how much things have changed... 
My driving motivation is not now to create fashion from Nepali textiles made by the beautiful Tharu culture... What satisfaction, REALLY- does that give them? There's no ownership, there's little connection with exactly where their products are going and what they represent.

Not to say one day I ill head back towards this- but not until their ownership is established. 

What will my next adventure to Nepal include?

A basis for a craft centre that they want to be involved in, they can see the reason for their work, and are not bound to the centre for security.. 

Some pretty serious questions need to be addressed... 

Do they want me there?
What creative knowledge do they have?
Can we work with these skills to product products that are useful in NEPAL... ?
Can we ALSO work with these skills to product products that can be sold in a western consumerist market?
How does a Nepali woman really live daily? What are their priorities?

The boys in the Kathmandu "Papa's House" in the time of load shedding... (power cut)

The boys in the Kathmandu "Papa's House" in the time of load shedding... (power cut)

Chapter 2- What matters

Chapter 2- What matters


Here- we have the Tharu culture in Nepal. A beautiful bunch of people who have been hardly done by, particularly in regards to slavery incidents. This doesn't tamper their strong understanding of other people, or the amount of love they're able to give. 

Slavery is being abolished and there is a drastic need for job and independence as these girls move out of the education system. For Freida Mountain, the energy, colour, love and skills were the beginning of what will be a dedication to these people. We now have the opportunity to work in trading to Australia from Nepal. A lot of fair trade research, justification and funding needs to occur, but I look forward to more and more involvement!
This environment acts as a stigma for my next range...