So there is a new take for my direction. The hardest thing, but also the most beneficial for me is to throw everything out the window and start again before I get too bogged down in the one area of people... one area of skill or one area of my own love. I won't neglect these beautiful Tharu people who we fundraised for. And if I can support them, I will, but I also feel that some tardy textiles skills are not what they need. THey need more to start with necessities like food shelter and survival skills. Maybe I was giving myself a rap thinking I could do much.. or maybe not - maybe one day I could provide them with sme creative stimulation, colour and happiness. ... we'll see.
So- I have some leads.... a nettle product was out in the hills... a flight, day drive and then 3 day trek....... Very cold..... no english whatsoever... So i need- a sleeping bag. translator, and probably some medication for altitude,,,, but that all excites me!!!!
I feel clear, and I also feel hungry..!!!!